Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Pow(d)er of Love

I have my own private powder of love. Cinnamon- kee-naa-mon in Hebrew. Keee.Naa.Mon.
It’s sweet but it has this kinda sneaky quality….cunning. Scratch that. Don’t mean to give it a negative connotation. My point is that cinnamon is sophisticated and rich. You know? It doesn’t only represent one pure and simple flavor, or essence. It’s not like when you think of sweet- you think honey. Cinnamon is definitely not a second name for sweetness. No. It’s actually a spice. Now, you think spice, you think of something exotic. Even semi mysterious. Spice. Spices.

Being a spice means you must be creative. It’s not like you’ve all of a sudden emerged in this world. No. Somebody actually thought of you in advance, and decided that you must be here. Somebody consciously and meaningfully cultivated you.

With all due respect, what is honey? God wanted to show us what sweetness meant, so he brought us honey, you know? Simply to illustrate a point. That’s all. Then people started giving it all those medicinal qualities because they felt bad, because it didn’t look very appetizing …… you know, like this gross sticky sap you find on trees.

But cinnamon? Oh, No! It has class. Status. It’s deliciously fascinating. You wanna have a conversation with it. It takes you to places far far away, but it also elegantly and effortlessly brings you back home once it’s done with you. Grounds you right back into your center. You’re safe with it. It enters your soul majestically, just as it enters your stomach. It allows you to truly celebrate, but nothing too crazy or wild. I mean… no one is gonna think something is wrong with you. Because it’s ok!! It’s ok with cinnamon! You can be lusciously stimulated by it to your very core and still maintain your sense of normalcy. It’s the wackiest you can go within the realms of sanity. You will never be hospitalized because of cinnamon. Or be sent to jail.

When cinnamon is in the picture, you know that delightful spirits are coming your way. Thrill and pleasure. It’s crystal clear to you from the start that it’s going to be a profound and positive experience. And even though it’s so very predictable, it’s also always so very new. Because it comes to you with a different message each time you meet. It depends on where it catches you in your day (or night), what your state of mind is and what happened prior to that.

My cinnamon…. My kee-naa-mon. My cinnamon inspires me. And it makes my stomach smile.
It always appears exactly when I need it. And once it joins forces with my food or drink, I know there can be no evil in this world. It’s the taste of vitality and balanced confidence.

My cinnamon stops by and says hello to all of my senses, and while at it, it tells us (me and all my senses) that everything is going to be just fine.
Vigor. Courage. Elation. Fearlessness.
Peaceful and secure.

I am sprinkling my magic powder all over my soul and am as ready as can be to go swallow the whole world, one flavor at a time.


(for those who celebrate it, and for those who would like to...):

Happy Passover- Wishing you the deepest experience of liberation, from all negative forces, inside and out, and the most delectable immersion in Spring!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow.i had no idea u can talk so much about cinnamon......:)
it's deff a pow(d)er of love ... going to have some .. be right back