Thursday, October 11, 2007

Welcome to Liat's Blog- 3/10/2007


My new website is finally ready! I got sick of the old format and decided to change it all. And not only will I have new content here, for the first time in my website history, I'll be in charge on everything. I can change anything and everything here whenever I want (so don't expect any masterful graphics...) and it feels good to have this kind of control. I know I'm not inventing the wheel, but for me it's huge, since my website has always been static and unchanging. So the next step is to start filling in content....Bear with me, and it will all be here soon, and then... it'll constantly change, cuz, as I said, the wheel in is my hands...

... One more thing: I've just come back from a day in the snow, which is a big deal in Israel. After 9 New York winters of never playing in the snow so much and so zealously, I find myself back here, where it hardly ever snows, running around like a little kid. Mount Hermon houses Israel's only ski resort.

Picture 460 cropped.jpg

1 comment:

Gilad said...

GReat site you have : ! Cool !